meet your
Iglu Team

Your Iglu team is here if you need help settling in, to share advice, assist with any concerns related to your room and its surroundings as well as provide information about the property, the area and so much more. Meet your team here.

How to contact us:

  • Pop down to see us at the front desk
  • Call us on 03 9000 8795 
  • Email us at [email protected]



Hi Residents, My Name is Junalyn and I am the General Manager at Iglu Flagstaff Gardens.

I would like to meet you all and get to know each and everyone of you! If you would like to get to know me better, here are the fun facts about me:

I am currently in Badminton Club and playing for tournaments, I am in LOVE with Buddy (My Dog), I love a good karaoke session

Please don’t be afraid to pop by and say hi 🙂